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We believe in...

Teamwork between practitioners, schools, and industry, each fraction supports the other two. Benefit: improves clinical results. Growth of all elements involved = growth of homeopathy.

Respect and tolerance between the different schools of thought, being classical, contemporary, clinical, complex, individualized polypharmacy, Banerji protocols, Fibonacci series, spagyric, Schuessler Cell salts, drainage, isotherapy, anthroposophical, homotoxicology, pleomorphism, among others. Benefit: Consolidation of the therapeutic modality.

The Council for Homeopathic Certification. Classical homeopathy is the base of our therapeutic method and is the fundamental structure of our science. Benefit: State recognition of practice and insurance coverage.

Benefit: improves clinical results.

Benefit: Peers acceptance, evolution of the science of homeopathy, better clinical results. For updated research please visit:
The American Institute of Homeopathy and Homeopathy Research Institute.

Homeopathy can be used as a primary and single therapeutic modality or to complement any other therapeutic modality, such as conventional medicine, acupuncture, chiropractic, veterinary medicine, and dentistry, among other professions. Benefit: Increase versatility and adaptation of homeopathy, making it an easy therapeutic method to incorporate into the health care system.

Support our fellow homeopaths, not compete with them. Benefit: Homeopaths feel respected, we feel trusted.

We adapt to how homeopaths work, not the other way around. Benefit: Homeopaths feel understood and encouraged.

Practitioners should be able to make a living out of the profession. Benefit: Practitioners will invest more in continuous education to improve their success rate. Increase the number of practitioners. Growth of practitioners = growth of homeopathy.

Science as a dynamic process in continuous evolution. Benefit: Continuous search for improvement in the manufacturing process that perfects the quality and enhances the therapeutic results. Always respecting the traditional methods and complying with regulatory agencies.

Practitioners should be the leaders of the healthcare system, not insurance or pharmaceutical companies. Benefit: Practitioners will have more time to spend with their patients and perform better quality care.

Your therapeutic results are our success. Benefit: Success and expansion of homeopathy.

Primum non nocere” First do no harm.

We don't believe in...

Clash between different schools of thought. Detriment: Lack of a unified structure making very difficult for other professionals to understand and incorporate homeopathy into their practices.

Ego wrestling between teachers trying to impose their ways of thought as the ONLY truth. Detriment: Confuses newcomers into the profession.

Competition between industry and practitioners. Detriment: Makes practitioners frail.

Detriment: Makes the industry weak or nonexistent.

Self-prescribing for ailments other than first aid and self-limiting conditions. Detriment: Exposes the individual to inaccurate and poor therapeutic results, discouraging them from homeopathy and searching for a professional homeopath.